One in Eight is a campaign to raise money for local cancer care organizations by purchasing specially selected hops, brewing beer, and supporting an organization of your choice. We're teaming up with Scars are Beautiful to grow the campaign, making your impact greater. Hop growers, dealers, and brewers are working together to raise money for cancer care services in the Yakima Valley — the heart of hop country — by brewing beers. Since 2018, over 1,000 commercial and home brewers have participated. Pledge to brew today.

Order one or more of the available varieties and CLS Farms will donate $2 from every pound sold to these organizations.
We encourage breweries to donate to their local cancer servicing charity. Our goal is to support local organizations in all communities, and we'd love to see you donate to one of your local non-profits.
What does One in Eight mean?
One in eight is the number of women who will be diagnosed with breast cancer. Shelley Desmarais, co-owner of CLS Farms, is a 2x breast cancer survivor. She started this campaign with the help of friends Pam Brulotte of Icicle Brewing and Steve Luke of Cloudburst Brewing.
Do I have to brew with all the hops available?
No, but CLS-X-14 is the featured hop for this year's campaign. You can purchase any of the varieties and we will donate a portion from ALL sales to Wellness House of Yakima and Scars are Beautiful.
Is there a specific recipe to follow?
No. We want to give brewers the flexibility to create their own recipes. Our goal is to provide suggestions based on the aroma description and our usage experience for CLS-X-14. You are free to craft a beer suited for your style and customer likings.
What is the minimum order size?
We are only able to offer a minimum order of 11 lbs T-90 pellets due to packaging restrictions. All hops are sealed in nitrogen-flushed foils and processed by BSG on behalf of CLS Farms.
Do you ship internationally?
For all inquiries outside of the US, please email hops@clsfarms.com.
How does the donation work?
Simply buy the hops and CLS Farms takes care of the rest. $2 from every pound sold is donated to various organizations that provide cancer care and support.
Who grew the hops?
All hops come from CLS Farms, which is located in the Yakima Valley.
Who manages the One in Eight Campaign?
CLS Farms created the 1in8 campaign in 2018 following owner Shelley Desmarais' return to the farm after battling her second breast cancer diagnosis. Read more at 1in8.co.